Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 9/11/06

Year: 1996

Original Article


1. Acute lateral ankle instabilities


2. Results of segmentary bone transport technique in defect pseudarthroses of the lower extremity


5. Reconstruction of the thumb with fasciocutaneous radial forearm flap


7. Treatment of non-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head by vascularized fibula grafting


8. The detrimental effects of different knee pathologies on the joint cartilage


9. Results of surgical treatment in patellar fractures


10. Comparison of three different implant combination in burst fractures in the thracolumbar junction


12. Neviaser technique in the surgical treatment of patients with grade III acromioclavicular separations


13. The treatment of Volkmann ischaemic contracture of upper extremity


14. Low back pain in steel industry employees


15. Adaptive changes in bone cortex of feet in ballet dancers


16. Comparison of orthoroentgenography and CT scanography in the measurements of extremity lengths

Experimental Study


1. The effects of x-rays used as diagnostic purpose on fracture callus (experimental study)


2. Fracture healing and the importance of periost


3. Normative values of spinal mobility for Saudi Arabian healthy adult females

Case Report


1. Femoral neuropathy due to iliac hematoma


2. Intraosseous schwannoma (case report and review of the literature)


3. Thrombocytopenia and absent radii syndrome with type III phocomelia and orthopaedic management


4. A case report: bilateral painful posteromedial os trigonum: (Os trigonum syndrome)